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10 things you can do today to become a better Recruiter for your company

I have been in recruiting for 30 years and hope a few suggestions can make your life easier.  Think about this:  Do your hiring managers run screaming when they see you coming? Do they pray for death each time you drop another 50 or 60 resumes on their desk? Does the […]

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Top 9 Recruitment Trends for 2019

Recruitment for 2019 requires a different strategy. If you are still trying to recruit top talent the way you used to 10 years ago, you likely are struggling.  Today’s unemployment rate makes it a candidate’s market.  Where in the past candidates were competing for the best jobs, today companies are […]

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2 Things Executives Should Know about Job Boards …. do they work?

Do Job Boards Work For Executives? Two Things To Know About Them It seems to be a common believe that most executive jobs are either found through networking or are “head hunted” by recruiting or search firms. Both leveraging your network and building relationships with a few executive recruiters in […]

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What are you doing to keep your workers in this tight labor market?

Companies are getting creative when it comes to keeping their workers.  In the “old days” of recruiting everyone worked 6 days a week, 60 – 70 hours and often didn’t have benefits.  I’ve seen the trends change to attract workers but not like we are seeing now. Yum! Brands, for […]

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5 Ways to Build a More Applicant-Friendly Recruiting Process

The job application process can be overwhelming, and job seekers won’t hesitate to abandon a complicated or frustrating process.   With unemployment low and the competition for talent fierce, employers can’t afford application processes that drive candidates away instead of welcoming them in. Job seekers have more options now than ever.  […]

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4 Tips For Writing A Resume That Will Get You The Interview

4 Tips For Writing A Resume That Will Get You The Interview If you’re tired of meticulously writing, editing and rewriting your resume, only to send it off and never hear about it again, you’re not alone. The reality is that it’s possible no one ever saw your resume at […]

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You Snooze You Lose – means more now than ever!

In this tight labor market companies have to move fast if they want the best talent available. The unemployment rate, combined with the ever growing restaurant industry, has employers clambering to compete for top producers.  Employers are making hiring decisions faster than ever.  We have one client who does a […]

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Let’s start off by saying Brian Martin is an amazing guy

Brian gets very personable with his clients and that makes me feel special. I’m truly blessed to meet a guy like Brian. I will definitely recommend his service to anyone who needs it!           Thank You!     Wesley Ross

I was very impressed at the professional manner in which Mr. Brian Martin assisted me in acquiring my  new job

I decided to put out my resume out there on ziprecruiter one night and within 24 hours i had Brian calling me. He was very cordial on the phone and assured me he had a position which fit very well with my experience.  I waited another day and Brian introduced me to the employer he was talking about.  I would highly recommend Brian to anyone. I really do appreciate his service in helping me acquire my new job.
Andrew Kwasi Asare
I was very impressed!

Recruiters Are True Life Coaches!

The best compliment that I can give Brian, is that throughout this whole process, I felt I had a true partner in crime. As I negotiated through what seemed a very long process, he was there every step of the way. I told him he had a beer coming after this was over and I look forward to fulfilling that promise. -Albert Patterson   Your Recruitment Coach:  5 Tips for Maximizing Recruiter Relationships

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