Recruiting Tip – Don’t let Email and Voicemail Rule Your Business Life
Have you ever had one of those days, when you unable to focus on those tasks and results that were most important to you? Technology, although wonderful, has given others 24/7 access to you through voice mail, email, texting and cell phones.
Answering messages in your email inbox could wipe out precious prime time by distracting you to address what’s most important to others. Your inbox is an easy organizing system for other people’s agendas – not necessarily yours!
Just think for a moment of how many emails you receive, even after being screened for junk or spam. It can often be easier to answer an email than make a prospecting call, but it is obvious which action will benefit you most.
Incoming calls can also have a negative impact on your ability to succeed. Your destiny should be controlled by your planned outgoing calls vs. the incoming calls. You have to ask yourself – who calls you most? Each conversation, every molecule of free advice and any time spent will cost you a fortune in possible production and income.
Now let’s address solutions for your inbox and incoming calls
Create and follow an email policy that you and your team establish. If you are not working a fast pace, high volume temp, clerical, call center or light industrial desk – there is no reason you need to answer emails as they arrive. Answer them three times throughout the day (early am, over lunch and at the end of the day). It’s amazing the amount of time this puts back in to your day to focus on your priorities.
Share your email processing information with your clients and candidates, so they don’t expect to receive an immediate response. It’s interesting that response time to emails keeps increasing, while response time to texting is almost immediate. This is obviously another way to communicate with candidates and clients – but you never want to abuse the privilege.
The Staffing and Recruiting Profession places less than 5% of the candidates attracted to you, your website and firm. The other 95% should be provided with resources that give them something to do. Help every candidate you speak with through either placing with a client or send them to where they can get a “live” person critiquing their resume, 50 free resume cards, free weekly seminars on different topifcs of finding a job, school information for retraining and much more.