Job Interviewing – It can be difficult to NOT take rejection personally.
It can be difficult to NOT take rejection personally. When you first embark on your job search journey, you are filled with anticipation, enthusiasm and high expectations. If your job search efforts continue over a long period of time, you have may have already experienced rejection, objections and frustration. Many job seekers feel that their resume just gets lost in some deep dark hole never to be read or noticed. This is especially true, when you spend most of your time answering job boards or jobs that are posted on various websites. This is where you will encounter the highest level of competition and the lowest level of results.
You can limit rejection by implement the following:
- Only apply for jobs where your credentials match the requirements of the position
- Customize your cover letter and resume to highlight the appropriate key words for each position
- Spend most of your job search time developing and contacting your professional network
- Directly market yourself to hiring authorities DAILY! (To the person who would be your bosses boss)
Over 50% of job seekers find their next opportunity by networking and directly marketing themselves to hiring authorities. If you want more information on how to market yourself, log into our Career Portal and review the three phases of your Job Search i.e. Prepare, Search & Connect and Interview. There are many tips that can put new life into your job search.
It is important to realize that when you do not hear back from a company or hiring authority, chances are they are not rejecting YOU personally. In fact your resume could have been screened out by an automated system. A Job Search is a sales process and each NO you hear is that much closer to a YES. Commit to a high level of actions each day, put most of your time into networking and direct marketing and you will begin to move your search forward while reducing the level of rejection.