Feel like you are alone looking for a job?
Do you ever feel that you are the only person, who can’t find a new job? It’s very difficult to hear how the job market is improving when it hasn’t directly impacted your job search. If you feel like an island, it is probably time to join a local Job Club, attend Job Fairs and network with other job seekers as often as possible. This activity can also improve your ability to schedule informational interviews as well as job interviews.
You may interact with someone who just turned down a job that was not a fit for them, but could be your dream job. The speaker at a meetings or event could work for one of your targeted companies. You may not find a job during a Job Fair, but you will be able to see the companies that are currently hiring and meet representatives from those companies. You can also interact with the attendees and speakers at the event who are almost always hiring authorities.
If you are currently spending most of your time on your computer, it’s time to shut it down, get out of the house and network, network and network some more. Over 50% of job seekers are currently finding their jobs as a result of a referral from another person. If there is no Job Club in your area, you could be the person to start one. Most public libraries or churches will provide free meeting rooms and you would now be the person who would arrange for the hiring authorities to speak at your meetings. This would display leadership qualities, communication and organizational skills and gives you another reason to call to speak to hiring authorities in your targeted companies!