Develop a New Habit in your Job Search
Starting today develop a new habit in your Job Search. Complete the tasks you dread most early in the morning. Often these are the tasks that take you out of your comfort zone, which is why you push them back to the end of the day. Unfortunately, many actions scheduled for the end of the day never get completed.
If you do not have a sales background, the entire job search process can be uncomfortable. On top of that, you are asked to “sell yourself” which is not the easiest thing to do in this competitive job market. The more you force yourself to do things that you perceive as difficult, the more results you will enjoy. The skills needed to conduct an effective job search do improve with practice and repetition.
- View mistakes as learning experiences
- If you can’t overcome an objection – practice and you will be prepared to overcome it the next time
- Remember, every no is that much closer to a yes
- Set minimum daily standards and hold yourself accountable to complete them
If you put something off, it is on your mind all day and prevents you from being your best, which can have a negative impact on your job search. Starting tomorrow “swallow the biggest frog first” and you will improve your results.