Best Use of Established Relationships in Job Search
Best Use of Established Relationships in Job Search
The basis for any successful relationship is the ability to understand the exact expectations of the other person. You may think you asked for help, but that may not be understood by people you approach. You have to be specific of the referrals you are hoping to obtain as well as what you might be able to do for them. A one way relationship without communication is never a success either in your personal life or job search.
- Negative remarks (FEAR OF REFERRING YOU)
- Depressed attitude (FEAR OF REFERRING YOU)
- Asking if they know of any job openings (MOST PEOPLE DON’T)
- Is their company hiring (OFTEN THEY DON’T KNOW)
- Willingness to do any job, anytime, anywhere at any salary (NOT TRUE)
Ask if they will refer you to anyone who is either:
- Well connected
- In a position of influence
- Well networked
- In the field you are pursuing
You want them to realize you don’t expect them to find a job for you, just open up their network to you. They all have the capabilities of opening doors for you and you never know which one of those doors will end up in a job offer.
In return, ask what you can do for them. You can’t just reach out to your network asking for a favor, you have to be willing to do what you can do for them as well. The more you GIVE in a networking relationship, the more you will receive.