Have you Written Down Ten Goals for 2013?
Written goals can often create new momentum behind your job search. Take time to determine what you want to accomplish in all areas that are important to you. Examples might include: Health, Career, Financial, Education, Spiritual, Philanthropic, Personal etc. After you write down your ten goals, under each goal write down 4 to 5 action items that will help you attain your goal. Finally, place a specific target date for completion next to each action item.
Too often, goals are set for the coming year and then stashed away never to be read again until the following December. This year follow the instructions above and post your goals where you can see them as you conduct your job search. When you realize you are conducting your search to help you attain your goals in the areas that are most important to you and the people you love, it puts a new found energy behind your efforts. If you don’t write your goals down, add dated action items and post your goals – they could become no more effective than New Year’s Resolutions that are typically broken before the middle of January.