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You’re never too old to get rich if you follow these seven tips for starting a business

Franchise Ownership can change your life. I talk to lots of people over 50 that are looking at business ownership options because priorities in life change.  They want more control, work/life balance, and to create wealth and a legacy for themselves. Of all the reasons to start at business after […]

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7 Tips for Finding a Job

1. Make a plan – Time and time again you hear, “make a plan and stick to it.” It’s not just something motivational speakers and political candidates say, it’s actually really helpful in your job search process too. By setting aside time each day and having deadlines for yourself, you create accountability […]

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Quick-Serve Restaurants need to be be prepared for “lifestyle dieters”

“Lifestyle dieters” want choices in where they eat which often makes it difficult for restaurants to recruit managers that understand that concept. Just when gluten-free has begun to be manageable for most QSRs to safely serve for both customers who must refrain from gluten, along with those who simply opt […]

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Recruiting Interviewing Stories – Gaffes to watch out for

As a recruitment agency we see all kinds of situations. It has been amazing to watch what people do on interviews.  I had a candidate that was interviewing with Panera Bread who walked into the interview with a Starbucks coffee!  There was a candidate who was finishing up chewing his […]

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Be Prepared for the Interview – No Negative Body Language

As a career coach for 30 years, I’ve heard all the stories from recruiters about people going on interviews.  Recruitment is one thing, now you have the interview and there are many aspects to think about. Your body language can say a lot more about your feelings than you might […]

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Five Star hotel interview? How to be a Five Star candidate.

If you’ve been working in the hotel industry for a while, you’ll be looking to further your career at some point, and what better way than to make the step up to a five star hotel? Jose Ruiz, HR manager at The Berkeley Hotel, gives some ideas on what to expect when […]

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7 interview mistakes you never thought of

 You’ve seen the hotel, restaurant or catering job   you want, you’ve sent off your resume and you’ve got a first interview. So, what are the mistakes you need to avoid to ensure you clear this hurdle and get a second one? Well, there’s a lot of advice out there, and you’ve probably heard the obvious ones […]

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Duke Witte absolutely was amazing! 

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to Duke Witte for his assistance in finding me a new job in the hospitality industry. I was disgruntled with my previous job, and I was feeling very discouraged about my prospects. I had been working in the restaurant industry for many years, and I had a lot of experience and skills, but I was having a hard time finding a better opportunity.

I was contacted via LinkedIn by Duke, and thank goodness I was.  Mr. Witte was incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the entire process. He took the time to understand my skills and experience, and worked tirelessly to find me a job that was a good fit.

Duke was also very honest and upfront with me about the job market. He didn't sugarcoat things, but also didn't give up on me. He kept me motivated and encouraged, and never gave up on finding me a job that I would love.

I am so grateful to Duke Witte and his team for their help. I am now happily employed, and I am so happy that I was able to find a job that I love. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a job in the restaurant industry. He is a true professional, and is dedicated to helping his clients find the perfect job!

Thank you again for everything!

Nick Grubbs

Working with Chris Bovio made job searching so much easier! 

Not only was he available and involved in my search, but also knowledgeable regarding the position. Chris used his industry experience and recruiting network to find the best position for me and my skill set. My only regret is that my new job is so perfect for me that I won’t need to use Chris or Patrice & Associates later.


Nick Guarino

Michael Greig was absolutely fantastic in every way! 

He gave me options and suggestions & eventually found a great for me. Communication was easy and he went above & beyond. Also, he seems like an all around good dude. Thanks again Michael. Solid work out there. You’re hired :)

Nic Callahan

Bryan Curtis was fantastic to work with!

Bryan was very on top of things throughout my recruiting process to the engineering firm I accepted my position with.  I responded to his LinkedIn posting and heard back from him within 24 hours. He continually spoke with me throughout the process checking in regularly and answering all my questions. Bryan was instrumental in helping me find a great job.



Frank Rondeau was a really big help! 

When it came to helping me find my new job, he knocked it out of the park!  He was very honest and thorough throughout the entire process. We had multiple conversations along the way and he always checked in after interviews. Frank was amazing to work with, and I'm super excited to start my new journey thanks to him.       

Many Thanks,


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