You have your career coach. Wondering what to expect?

Expect, first and foremost, that your career coach will want to get to know you, personally. On your schedule. It might be a face-to-face meeting, a phone call, a video conference, or a combination. No matter the method, nothing is more important than getting to know each other. From there, we’ll discover what GREAT means to you and what you want for your career. Not sure? No problem. That’s why you have a coach!

When you choose Patrice & Associates, you’ll be working with people who care about you.

That is not an empty promise. You’ll find it truly is how we work. That’s because everyone who is a part of Patrice & Associates, every recruiter in every recruiting office, believes in our mission and our values. That’s why they are here!

Only your Patrice & Associates career coach can give you these career advantages.

  • Goal setting and visioning for your future.
  • Career path recommendations.
  • Exclusive access to open unposted management positions.
  • Opportunities locally, regionally, or in the US and Canada.
  • Personalized resume writing that tells your story.
  • Interviewing skills guidance so you land the job.
  • Regular check-ins during onboarding and training at your new job.

Let us be your career coach for life. You’ll get to GREAT and beyond!

Submit your resume

Get the ebook and land that GREAT job.

e-book cover Get wisdom and advice in one place, in a super-fast, easy-to-read digital format, covering everything from goal setting, resume writing, interviewing skills, and more. In this book, she shares her vast knowledge, which has helped thousands of people successfully land their dream job.

Get the e-book

Here’s a GREAT idea...
Have you ever thought about working for yourself?

That option is available to you as a Patrice & Associates Franchisee. You can live where you want, work from home and take the skills you’ve learned and apply them to a business to call your own. Startup costs are minimal, and financing is available. Why not check it out?

Learn More

Bryan was the utmost professional during my job search. He was attentive, responsive, and honest, communicating everything about the job opening clearly and concisely. He provided pre and post interview feedback. I never felt like it was a struggle to get an answer from him whereas it has been while working with other recruiters. If in the future I was in the search of new employment I would not hesitate to work with Bryan again and would highly recommend his services to anyone looking for help in finding employment.


Thank you,

Bobby C.

Bobby C. says that he appreciated Bryan’s attentiveness, honesty and communication!

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident.

Sara Smith

“Patricia’s approach to searching for candidates allows her to find top notch prospects each and every time. She has the ability to know exactly what qualifications we are looking for when a vacancy becomes available. I appreciate Patricia’s enthusiasm, tailored approach, consistent communication and follow up when recruiting for our company. She is truly a wonderful partner!”

Remzi Yilmaz

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