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Sales Recruiters in Mount Clemens, MI

A GREAT sales all-star is a phone call away.

Make or exceed your sales goals with the right sales all-stars. That’s what it takes, right? Patrice & Associates can be your best asset in that mission. After all, countless Fortune 500 companies and mid-size and small businesses look to us for help staffing sales teams. Of course, food service, restaurant, and hospitality are natural industries for us, but companies in construction, consumer products, real estate, aviation, and more are among the many we’ve served. Yes, Patrice is the source for sales at all levels—account representatives, sales representatives, client success representatives, sales managers, directors, VPs, and executive VPs. Look to us to find you that GREAT team member. The perfect blend of skills, motivation, experience, attitude, and work ethic.

Staffing sales teams can be tricky, but not when you choose Patrice.

Work with us, and your recruiter will work with you to define the position and your perfect candidate. You may need some guidance. That’s part of our service, so ask away! Developing job descriptions, establishing ideal candidate characteristics, working through your hiring strategy, and more, we’re here for you. Wonder what’s going on in the labor market? Just ask!

Multiple hires in multiple cities become effortless for you when you choose Patrice.

Your local recruiting office and Patrice Pro can staff your local, regional, and international sales offices across North America. No more working with multiple recruiters and territory restrictions that make the process cumbersome. One call, and we’re on it!

Tap into our database of pre-vetted sales pros.

Over 700,000 exceptional candidates, thousands of them with sales track records, are ready and waiting for their next exciting career move. It could be with your company! Your Patrice Pro will leave no stone unturned, which means picking up the phone and dialing for all-stars. Post your job order online and see what you get? No way! The GREAT sales top performer you’re dying to hire is beating sales quotas for your competitor! We’ll have the chat you can’t have.


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Rick gets the job done with professionalism and creativity. He makes sure everyone he interacts with knows how much he cares about their well being and future. Rick leaves a maximum impact on every client he encounters.

Alexa Faith

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