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Entertainment Job Seekers in Waterford, MI

You make other people happy in your career? Have you thought of what would make you happy? Let’s find out.

You may love what you do in entertainment. You may even be happy making other people happy. But if you have aspirations for your career and your future, for something GREATER, you’ve come to the right place. It may be time for you to take your skills and experience and make an even bigger impact in the lives of others and your own.

Our guidance and coaching is risk fee!

Patrice & Associates career coaches never charge you for guiding your career. That’s because we’re always looking for amazing people and are happy to share our knowledge, provide resume retakes, and role-play interviews. As you know, the world is a stage, and the interview is live-action. Did you know thousands of open positions, some that might be GREAT for you are already in our system? Let’s find the perfect one and the perfect role for you!

Relocating? We got you covered.

Let our instant connections in your new city be your connections, even before you arrive. Our recruitment offices in hundreds of cities in the US and Canada are owned by seasoned career coaches who know how to open doors in your target companies. There’s no easier way to make a move. It’s showtime!

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Rick gets the job done with professionalism and creativity. He makes sure everyone he interacts with knows how much he cares about their well being and future. Rick leaves a maximum impact on every client he encounters.

Alexa Faith

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