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Got a specialized skill? Talent in a certain industry? Looking for guidance on where to go next? Let’s talk.

Countless opportunities are available to people like you with specialized skills in specialized industries. The challenge is which one is right for you. Which one will take you where you want to go in your career? That’s where Patrice & Associates can help. We work in all industries because our recruiters come from all industries.

There’s no cost or risk, so if you’re ready, we’re ready!

Patrice career coaches are ready to work with you to define GREAT, determine your career goal and get you there. We’ll show you how to transform your resume from what you’ve done to where you want to go. It’s inspiring. And you’ll get interview prep coaching, so you win the gig! Thousands of open positions are in our system. What if yours is among them? Time to find out.

Moving to a new city? That’s easy.

Opportunities abound, but only with an insider in the city who can open doors that otherwise might be closed. Let your Patrice career coach be your career partner in your new city, no matter where in the US and Canada that may be. It’s the easiest way to make a move. And the most direct way to get settled in the next GREAT phase of your career. We’re ready when you are!

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Here’s a GREAT idea...
Have you ever thought about working for yourself?

That option is available to you as a Patrice & Associates Franchisee. You can live where you want, work from home and take the skills you’ve learned and apply them to a business to call your own. Startup costs are minimal, and financing is available. Why not check it out?

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Rick gets the job done with professionalism and creativity. He makes sure everyone he interacts with knows how much he cares about their well being and future. Rick leaves a maximum impact on every client he encounters.

Alexa Faith

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