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Sales Job Seekers in Mount Clemens, MI

Hey, sales all-star, is it time to up the game? Take on more? Earn more? Win more?

If you answered yes or even maybe, we need to talk! Because it may be time for a career move. You’ve amassed GREAT sales skills. Could they be put to better use in a different company, different industry, with different products? Or maybe a similar product in a more lucrative territory. Let’s check out the possibilities, choose your path to GREAT, and set a course to get there.

Career coaching and scoring your next career win costs nada!

Patrice & Associates career coaches are always looking for salespeople who are goal-oriented, competitive, and love to win. Tell us what you want to do next, and we’ll help you build your resume around that goal as well as prep you for interviews. Thousands of open positions in the US and Canada are in our system and in need of GREAT talent right now. Ready to find out what you’re missing?

Moving to a new city and want a head start and some guidance?

Contact your local Patrice recruiting office, or call the destination city office to get a jump start on your move. Just spend a few minutes with a career coach, and you’ll see that Patrice is the shortest path between where you are and where you want to be. Discover your options, but please let us help. You don’t have to go it alone.

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Rick gets the job done with professionalism and creativity. He makes sure everyone he interacts with knows how much he cares about their well being and future. Rick leaves a maximum impact on every client he encounters.

Alexa Faith

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