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Specialized Recruiters in Bloomfield Hills, MI

Have a specialized industry or hiring need? Give Patrice & Associates a shout and a shot!

Patrice may have exceptional expertise in some areas, like hospitality and food service. But the true expertise that you’ll love is our ability to find GREAT people who are qualified and fit your organization. That’s what you really need. Oil & gas, construction, manufacturing, governance, there’s a Patrice Pro within our network who has likely worked in the industry and has the connections to find the GREAT hire you’re looking for. You benefit from our decades of experience, the size of our network, and diverse backgrounds. It’s one of the strengths you’ll come to love about Patrice when we work together.

Connecting you with the right Patrice Pro is how GREATNESS happens.

Let’s not fit a square peg in a round hole. Contact us with a hiring need, and we’ll match you to the right Patrice Pro who has the know-how to get your hiring need across the goal line. It’s a time-saver and makes it easier for you to get the kind of guidance you need. That can include helping with crafting an enticing job description, developing a hiring strategy, and even interpreting the labor market so you are competitive. It’s all part of choosing Patrice.

Your multi-city, multi-hiring needs are no problem for Patrice?

Your Patrice Pro is your single point of contact for all your hiring needs in North America. Your management task just got easier now that you don’t have to manage different staffing companies in different markets. It’s time to streamline your hiring needs with one call and no territory restrictions. That’s the way it should be, and with Patrice, the way it is.

Your next great hire may already be in our sights.

Over 700,000 contacts are a phone call away, and some may be perfect for your job. Your Patrice Pro will vet qualified candidates and continue searching by making more cold calls to find the top talent working in your industry and field. In case you were wondering, we don’t post jobs online and hope. Instead, we proactively find and screen candidates and then present the best of the best to you. Life just went from good to GREAT!


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Rick gets the job done with professionalism and creativity. He makes sure everyone he interacts with knows how much he cares about their well being and future. Rick leaves a maximum impact on every client he encounters.

Alexa Faith

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