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Construction & Engineering Recruiters in Bloomfield Hills, MI

When you’re seeking your next construction or engineering pro, make Patrice & Associates your recruiting partner.

Construction and engineering professionals are in high demand, so working with recruiters who are tapped into the industry is how you find and hire GREAT people who are business assets. Let Patrice be your partner. From managerial, professional, or project engineering to on-site construction managers, foremen to regional and headquarter office management, VP, and executive level recruiting, Patrice is the experienced pro you need. Tell us your hiring needs, and we’ll direct a Patrice Pro with the experience and connections that will streamline your search. Our technical experience, energy, skills, experience, and work ethic can help you find that ideal match.

Let’s get you the culture fit you require to deliver efficiency with every project.

Culture and performance on the job are connected. When the project is running smoothly, efficiencies happen, and that means lower costs and higher profits. Let’s connect to discover the qualities you need and get busy finding that GREAT hire you’ve been seeking. Looking for hiring strategy guidance? Curious about the engineering or trades markets? Just ask. That and more is part of the service you get when you choose Patrice.

Seeking to hire outside your local city or in multiple locations?

Look no further than your Patrice Pro, your one point of contact for your hiring needs in North America. There’s no need for the complication of hiring different staffing companies in every market. That’s how brand experience inconsistencies happen. And it’s a ton of work you don’t have time for! Instead, call your Patrice Pro, who will handle all your hiring needs with no territory restrictions.

Even before you break ground, arm yourself and your project with the best team.

Get instant access to our North American database of over 700,000 top-tier candidates. Often your search starts there, but that’s not where it ends. Your Patrice Pro will make the calls you can’t make to find the top talent working in competing companies. No online job posting for us. Instead, we proactively find and screen candidates and then present the top two or three to you. Ready to roll?


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Rick gets the job done with professionalism and creativity. He makes sure everyone he interacts with knows how much he cares about their well being and future. Rick leaves a maximum impact on every client he encounters.

Alexa Faith

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