The 4 Hour Work Week
This is one of my all time favorite books. I have read The 4 Hour Work Week three times and its a regular “go to” on my night stand. Those of you who know me, already know I will probably never retire, but if I was like most Americans, and followed the “retirement age” logic (whatever that is) to have the life experiences one usually dreams about when they retire, I would be doomed to repeat the mistakes made by most people. There are many things I want to do with my life that involve two things – money and the most difficult thing to find – time.
Last Fall, my husband and I went on vacation and I saw the Grand Canyon for the very first time. It was awe-inspiring, spiritual and something I wish I hadn’t waited so long to experience.
In addition to the amazing views – what I saw were LOTS of people my age and older on canes and in wheelchairs seeing one of the wonders of the world for the very first time. It may or may not be true – but my perception was that these people did what 90% of Americans do – they work like dogs to barely survive for the best years of their lives waiting for “retirement” when they can try to do all the things they have always wanted to do during the failing years of their life. How sad and how backwards.
Read this book. It will make you think about your priorities and help you have a better quality of life. Isn’t it time you thought about YOU?