What Is Next For The Baby Boomer Generation?
By now, we have all heard of the Great Resignation. This movement has spanned all age groups from Millennials, Gen X, to Baby Boomers. During the pandemic we saw a significant surge of Baby Boomers retiring. It was a stark reality that crazy things happen and maybe it’s time to embrace retirement and live life to the fullest. However, not every Baby Boomer wants to retire.
Today I want to talk about those Baby Boomers, those individuals who over the past 20-30 years, worked their way up through the corporate ladder.
A baby boomer is defined as independent, self-reliant, and confident. They are not afraid to put in a hard day’s work. A baby boomer is self-assured, competitive, and goal centric. They were born between the years of 1946-1964. These baby boomers are part of a movement called the “Great Retirement” or the “Silver Tsunami”, a wave leaving the workforce. However, about 45% of baby boomers do not have enough savings to retire.
This Great Resignation has led to a significant increase in upper management and executive level job openings. For those Baby Boomers who aren’t ready to retire, they may be getting left out of key opportunities. This could be driven by a variety of factors, including the ability to pay lower salaries to the younger generation, a technology driven hiring process which could be overwhelming, or maybe even Ageism.
So what can these Baby Boomers provide that can be invaluable for a company…..
Experience: This is a no-brainer, of course they have experience, but experience creates wisdom that can be applied in many different forms. There is something to be said for having true experience. Experience with managing people, managing budgets, managing stressful situations, or maybe managing an evolution of a business from its early stages through an acquisition.
Here’s an interesting thought. Corporations are pushing hard to get back to the office to work. The pandemic has created a re-shaped vision for what work looks like, with more and more people working from home. However, Baby Boomers spent the past 30 years waking up early to head into the office for 9am. This go-getter attitude is a trait that is hard to come by and at times cannot be taught.
So to the Baby Boomers, we embrace you, you are the diamonds in the rough. The ones that have the knowledge and still have so much life in them, who are ready to take any challenge head on. The ones that are not afraid to pick up the phone and have a conversation. We find that the personality shared on a phone conversation will speak volumes compared to a written email. At Patrice & Associates, we are excited to match your talents to our current clients. We will guide you through a step by step process, preparing you for each interview, until you get that YES.