Finding a Job IS a Job!
It is important to have an agenda for each day of your job search so you can focus on the priorities most important to you. You don’t want your email inbox to determine the level of results you will achieve each day.
Beware of your inbox! It is often a simple organizing system for other people’s agendas. It is easy to wake up and spend the first couple of hours each day answering or screening emails – but is that really allowing you to focus on priorities most important to you?
Before you even open your computer, take time to identify your priorities for the day and what you need to do to be the most productive in your job search. I’m not advising you to avoid your email, I’m just suggesting that you identify your top priorities first and answer your incoming mail no more than two to three times each day.
Sitting behind a computer is easier than attending a job fair – but not as effective
Sitting behind a computer is easier than networking calls – but not as effective
Sitting behind a computer is easier than informational interviews – but not as effective
Sitting behind a computer is easier than direct marketing yourself – but not as effective
Sitting behind a computer is easier than following up by phone – but not as effective
There are many incredible resources within our Career Portal that we want you to utilize, but these activities must be in line with your top priorities. You can work very hard on your job search without results. It’s time to get selfish with your time and only complete actions that give you the best chance of scheduling interviews that could lead to a job offer. Don’t allow your job search agenda to be controlled by anyone else but YOU!
You Can’t Sound Like Every Other Job Seeker
May 15th @ 11:00 am PST | 12:00 pm MST | 1:00 pm CST | 2:00 pm EST
When you are talking to hiring authorities, do you really differentiate yourself from other job seekers? Do you share facts that other job seekers can’t? During this session you will learn the following:
• How to identify your personal brand
• How to present your brand and differentiators to hiring authorities
• How to position yourself as the solution to problems
References Are Critical to Your Success
May 30th @ 12:00 pm PST | 1:00 pm MST | 2:00 pm CST | 3:00 pm EST
People like to buy on the approval of others. Your references, endorsements or testimonials can make the difference of you being rejected or obtaining a job offer. During this session we will address:
• How to effectively use References and/or testimonials
• How to obtain the greatest impact from endorsements
• What you can do to obtain more testimonials
• Why you should inform your references of your job search activities
*To register, login to our Career Portal and click on the WEBINAR Tab. Then click on the Event and register by clicking the Webinar registration link for each event listed.
We take our direction from you! If you have any ideas you would like to share with us, please contact us at
Share your success stories to be shared on our Career Portal:
To Your Successful Career Search,
Patrice & Associates Hospitality Recruiting