
Thinking about making a career move? You’ve found the company that can make it GREAT.

You’ve found the company that can make it a reality.

Financial pros like you are in high demand. That’s why dreaming about making a big career move is not only a good thing but a real possibility. All it takes is some initiative to explore your goals and dream a little. Let Patrice & Associates career coaches help you chart your path, see what’s in your future and help you get there.

The numbers have it! Coaching you costs $0.00

Patrice career coaches love helping skilled, ambitious professionals who want to advance their careers, take on their next challenges and achieve their next goals. Tell us what you’re thinking, and we’ll help you build your resume around that goal and prep you for interviews. Many open positions in the US and Canada are in our system right now. We’re seeking GREAT talent and would love to talk more. Let’s see how far you can go.

Relocations are easier with Patrice.

Your local Patrice career coach or a career coach in your destination city is ready to make finding GREAT opportunities a breeze. You’ll be instantly connected to influencers in the market. That’s a huge advantage! Do not go it alone. We repeat… do not go it alone. You’ve got Patrice on the job for you!

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Here’s a GREAT idea...
Have you ever thought about working for yourself?

That option is available to you as a Patrice & Associates Franchisee. You can live where you want, work from home and take the skills you’ve learned and apply them to a business to call your own. Startup costs are minimal, and financing is available. Why not check it out?

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Hospitality Recruiters Can Help You Find a Job!

I would like to say Alan did a great job and was awesome in making me aware and preparing me for the interviews. He answered all my questions and provided perfect advice as well thanks again for all your guidance in my search. -Markus Petty   Your Recruitment Coach:  How to Handle References

Recruiters Source the BEST Candidates for Your Company 

I must tell you that we posted this EA job opportunity on Indeed and another site, and had a lot of applicants.  After going through the timely process of elimination, we ended up with about 5 candidates to personally interview.  The candidates that Marty has brought us were both much, much better than what we did on our own.  I also asked both candidates how they felt about Marty as a recruiter, since we are recommending your company to all our franchisees, and they both had rave reviews about his follow up, sincerity and kindness.  Just thought you would like to know that. Alan Thomas, Just Love Coffee

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