
Your next Operations hire can be a GREAT hire when you choose Patrice & Associates.

Operations pros keep the company humming and customers happy. Well, let’s say GREAT operations pros do that. The kind who will join your team when you hire us for the task! That’s right, those all-star operations managers, VPs, and C-suite executives may already be in our sights. All you have to do is say yes to a search. Whether you’re looking locally, regionally, or in the US and Canada, we’ve got you covered. And in a variety of industries, including food service, restaurant, hospitality, consumer products, aviation, health & beauty, financial services, and many more. This is our thing! And through decades of relationships with companies of all sizes, those connections are your biggest hiring asset. Why? Because relationships matter. When we call, people answer. Skills, experience, attitude, and work ethic—let us hit the phones and find the GREATNESS you need.

Finding someone to hire is easy. Finding someone that matches your requirements and is a fit culturally, that’s not so easy.

Unless you work with Patrice and allow us to do the hard work for you. All we need from you are the basics, including job skills, degrees, and accreditation requirements. Then, tell us about the intangible qualities that would make a GREAT match. Getting to know you, your company, and your needs is part of the process. Your Patrice Pro is highly experienced, so let us help you develop job descriptions, consult on hiring strategy, and offer up industry hiring trends in your area, the US and Canada.

Need a local job filled? One in a city far, far away? No problem!

Your local Patrice Pro in your own backyard will find the perfect match in your local market or elsewhere. And if you are working on staffing for multiple locations, you’ll love how we work. One Patrice Pro can handle it all with no territory restrictions. It’s no problem. It’s how we work all the time!

Enjoy the benefits of our extensive reach and countless connections.

Relationships are everything, and no other company has forged more of them than Patrice. Particularly in restaurants and hospitality and all the industries that support it. Those companies comprise much of the Fortune 500 and represent tens of thousands of top firms. Over 700,000 exceptional candidates, including operations professionals in those companies, will answer our opportunity calls. Beyond that, count on your Patrice Pro to make the necessary cold calls to find those specific top performers who will make the grade. And by the way, there’s no posting your job order online and hoping a rock star will call us. It doesn’t work that way, at least not with Patrice. We’re ready to hit the phones and find you a GREAT Operations pro!


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Working with James Schwinghammer has been a warm and welcoming experience especially compared to other bigger talent recruiting agencies I've worked with.

James at Patrice and Associates was not transactional based - he really took the time to listen to learn about you, your company, and the type of individual you're seeking. This was immediately apparent in my working relationship with James. The beginning was a process in which we became acquainted, James listened to the type of person I am, what I'm trying to do with my business, and took all that in consideration when I told him the type of person I was looking for. Recruiting agencies will often look for that experience within a candidate, but James went above and beyond to not only find someone with the right experience but also someone with the right attitude and cultural mix with ours. It's almost like a match making service! Alex Lu
Working with James Schwinghammer has been a warm and welcoming experience!

James was a true professional! 

From to the first time we spoke, he knew the right questions to ask to help me refine my presentation.  He kept me informed every step of the way of my interview process and followed up after my employment started.  He deserves all my thanks.
Jeremy Slade

Recruitment Experts are the Best Coaches!

I would like to thank Patrice & Associates for their dedication in finding me a new career opportunity! I had the pleasure of working with James Schwinghammer and would highly recommend any one looking for a new start to work along side of him finding the perfect fit. He was willing to assist in any resume adjustments or creating a new one, but the most important thing to me was him listening to my interests, concerns and staying dedicated to finding a good fit for me. I was very happy to work with this team and would suggest you can give them a call to start a new adventure! - Joseph Lee   Patrice & Associates can help improve your interviewing skills

Recruiters can change your life.

I worked with James Schwinghammer on my job search that eventually landed me at Mellow Mushroom. James was fantastic to work with.  He always was in contact and very much a huge support. While I understand the companies pay James and he works for them to fill their need but he made it feel like he was working for me the entire time.  He was just awesome!!! Thanks, Scott Gerlach
"James made me feel like he was ONLY working with me"

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